
This web site is intended to provide information on seashore ecology and beginners photography courses whilst also giving  the reader selected information relating to various aquatic matters.

Ronan Browne (Ph.D., M.Sc. and Dip. Aqua.)

Ronan has over 20 years of experience in aquaculture (macro/ micro algae, fish and shellfish culture), marine ecology and environmental monitoring. This experience encompasses a rounded track record of research, lecturing and training.

Ronan’s work experiences includes carrying out surveys and post doctoral work on the hatchery rearing of cod and live feed production. Over the last four years Ronan has been self employed and has been involved with many others in compiling reviews on the aquaculture industry in Ireland (MERC, BIM, MI, TMT and UnaG). He has produced a hatchery guide on the culture of lobsters using a green water technique and has participated in an INTERREG III project with partners from Norway and Spain.

His experience covers the managing of budgets, surveys and research projects. He also holds a number of relevant academic qualifications and commercial health and safety accreditations.

If you are looking for an experienced sampler/ researcher or require practical assistance at a competitive cost contact Ronan at browne.ronan@gmail.com or by phone at 087 2314279. Ronan is fully insured for the services he provides, tax compliant and registered for VAT.

Academic qualifications:

National Diploma in Aquatic Biology, Galway RTC.

M.Sc. Shellfish Biology Fisheries and culture. University of North Wales, Bangor.

Ph.D. National University of Ireland Galway. Shellfish Research Laboratory, Carna, Co. Galway.

Other experience/ qualifications:

FETAC train the trainer (Distinction).

Advanced Powerboat Certificate (coastal waters) with commercial endorsement.

Coastal Navigation for Small Boats.

Adobe Photoshop CS.

Photography/ landscape/ nature.

Maritime radio VHF (with DSC).

(BIM) Sling and crane operations.

(BIM) Basic Sea survival.

Preparing PowerPoint presentations.

Report writing.

Researching/ reviewing scientific literature.

Sea kayaking.